Salvation Army - Walthamstow HQ Woodern street sign

CNC plywood shop sign
Project Overview
The Salvation Army project involved the installation of wooden pub-style sign for the shop on Forest Road in Walthamstow. This project was entirely community-funded and aimed to express gratitude to the local charity leads Julie and David for their tireless efforts in supporting community projects and initiatives in the area.
Our Contribution
To create the wooden pub-style signs for the Salvation Army project, a digital design was first created and sent to a CNC machine.

The machine then used this design to carve out a double-sided sign from a wooden board. The finished sign was then painted and varnished to give it a professional look. Once the sign was complete, a metal bracket was drilled into the wall, and the sign was hooked onto the bracket. This ensured that the sign was securely attached to the wall and would withstand the elements over time.

The use of digital design and CNC technology allowed for precise and accurate production of the sign, ensuring that it met the desired specifications and could be installed safely and effectively. The finished product was a testament to the power of technology in supporting community-driven initiatives and highlighting the importance of collaboration and appreciation within the community